Wednesday, May 1, 2013

...a new direction

Dear Readers, 

It has been quite some time since my last post, I've been going through sort of a mid-mid life crisis. I'm only 22, but I've been given the difficult task of figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life! After-all  I'll be a college graduate in 7 months! Yikes! The more I freak out about post graduate life, the more I realize that I shouldn't freak out. 22 is still very young and I still have my whole life to figure it out. I finally understand what Taylor Swift was talking about in her song "22". It's a magical age, but also a pretty scary one. 

Thinking about life, made me think about this blog. 

When I first started it, I wanted it to be something huge, but i realized that in order to be also have to be different. I want to take this blog in a new direction, more of a concentration if you will. My passion is and always has been jewelry. I have always prided myself on being able to add that one interesting piece of jewelry to an outfit to complete a look. I believe we all have special God-given talents and once we figure out what it is, we should share it with the world. 

I want to share my love and my knowledge of jewelry with the world! I can't wait to start this new journey and I hope to gain your respect as your latest jewelry "go-to gal". 

Love and Kisses, 
Courtney J

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