Tuesday, April 22, 2014

...Wrap it up!

In a perfect world, southern Louisiana women wouldn't have to worry about using a straightener every morning only to have a huge, frizzy bush by lunch because of the humidity. Welp...this world ain't perfect! I found a tutorial on "How to Tie a Turban" on Pinterest late one night when I should have been sleeping & a world of possibilities opened! Turbans for bad hair days, turbans during festival seasons, turbans during rainy weather, etc... Eager to try it, I searched my scarf collection for the perfect one to cover up the top half of my head. I settled on a cream scarf for this gorgeous spring day and it literally took me a few minutes to tie it together. I paired it with curling wand curls, boyfriend jeans, a crochet tank, & my blue mirrored aviators! Such a fun, casual outfit for a perfect Springy day!

I've also attached the link to the original blog post from Barefoot Blonde with a picture tutorial on "How to tie a turban!" How will you wear yours?!

Love and Kisses,
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